Sundance FeaturesDocumentary FilmsTHE REMARKABLE LIFE OF IBELIN

Sundance Features - Documentary Films


Sundance Film Festival Audience Award: World Cinema Documentary;

Sundance Film Festival Directing Award: World Cinema Documentary

Mats Steen, a Norwegian gamer, died of a degenerative muscular disease at the age of 25. His parents mourned what they thought had been a lonely and isolated life when they started receiving messages from online friends around the world.


Screening Times:
8/24 SAT 14:40 A Two
8/24 SAT 15:00 A One

Meet The Artist

Benjamin Ree

Benjamin Ree is a Norwegian film director. His films have been sold in more than 80 countries and won more than 40 awards, screening at BFI London Film Festival, Hong Kong International Film Festival, and the Sundance Film Festival. The Remarkable Life of Ibelin is his third feature.